Tuesday, March 10, 2009

past paradise... all puns intended

so... it's another one of those nights where my sleep pattern is all off.

in my brief browsing, i checked out eric roberson's blog (*commercial break - my dope dope boss/bandleader and one of the greatest song writers ever!) only to discover a clip of us performing on inauguration weekend in DC at the black cat. so yanno... it's only right that i investigate what had actually been posted. i've found some classic moments, for me at least, from our ATL and DC shows, respectively. iluvu2much, which is undoubtedly one of my all time favorite songs (hey algebra!!!), and the freestyle session, the groove of which was provided by groove aka me (not to big up myself, lol... the chemistry just felt particularly good). so check them out!

it was just unbeknownst to me that so many clips were posted. thanks to the eric roberson fans who have captured these moments. kinda documents a great place in life and musicianship for me. i have been such a huge fan of eric's since '04. and in following him, his production, and his musicians... i come in the line of some amazing individuals. when i first was put on to erro, parris bowens and dana soret were playing for him (what up yall!!). and they were on superstar status to me, having met them and had great conversation with them both after tye shows and etc. all that to say, i would've never imagined following in their footsteps with this gig. so it's me seeing dreams come to fruition and that's such an amazing thing to see unfold in life. i encourage everybody to continue in the pursuits of their dreams... God does bless! AHHHHALLELUJAH!!@$! lordamercy! 

btw... we're back in DC this weekend at The Scene, 2221 Adams Pl NE. come vibe with us!


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