so as it is, i'm sure so many people have something to say regarding this wild day. but, this is the case every time we lose a celebrity of greater fame. however, this is different. i don't even think i initially realized how BIG this is. as i think about the generations, races, colors, creeds, communities, societies... the world that michael jackson affected... i don't know if i can come to complete understanding over it all. i mean, we're not just talking about a specific group of people. usually a loss has its greatest impact on those in the same field as well as fans of the one lost. but this is reaches so much further. mj impacted musicians, singers, writers, producers, dancers, choreographers, and so many more. his fan base covered this entire earth in greater numbers than anyone else ever, arguably, Jesus himself excluded ;x . he CHANGED so much. he set records and there is a GREAT precedence that is synonymous with mj's name. he was the epitome of an innovator.
feel how you want to feel about some of what he did. he had his times, certainly. BUT can any of us even fathom the amount of pressure on this man?? it's beautiful to reach THAT many people, but there comes responsibility with that. as i watch the specials on him right now, i think back to what dave chappelle said regarding mj: "he did that for you, somehow. somehow he thought you might... maybe it'll help." and in the chaos of it all, were his intentions ever understood - right or wrong? mj was reported to say something along the lines of "if i didn't think i could help the children, i'd kill myself." and if we could disregard the odd nature of it all, would we be able to see the heart of a man who maybe just wanted to make the world a better place the best way that he could?
all this to say, i hope in the days, weeks, and months to come that people don't turn this into a circus or a moment of destructive critique. allow the man to rest peacefully and respectfully. let's appreciate the legacy he left behind. let's refrain from the criticism of his choices and decisions, because we can't understand them, not never having experienced the sort of lifestyle he had. let's admire him for the fact that he was a humanitarian with humanist thoughts. if he weren't why would he be so concerned with the state of the world? this was obvious in songs like - we are the world, black or white, heal the world, what more can i give, and man in the mirror. yeah, there may have been some lunatic ways of living at time, but i believe mj had the world at heart and had love for more people, including you and i no matter how indirectly, than we will ever know. he loved hard, and hurt greatly because of that love. bless your life.
michael jackson - you are appreciated. your life and legacy are admired and adored. you won't be forgotten. God bless you.
also... r.i.p. to farrah fawcett. i never followed her closely, but the hope and inspiration she gave to those with cancer via her documentary, was the most defining moment of her career. greater than any movie, sitcom, or show.

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