seems like at certain points in our lives or at the occurrence of certain events, we are forced to consider whether or not we made the right decisions in times past. and there is always the lingering question of "what if", even if just out of curiosity, when thinking if there was a better way to go about something. i wonder if it's even healthy to consider these things though. regardless of how we may try to replay these things in our minds, it doesn't change who has already occurred. at best, it may only be somewhat of a gauge of how to conduct ourselves in the future.
some things never work out the way we desire, and certainly most things hardly work out when we desire them to. but at the same rate, they all work out the way God designed them to. and i think this is hard for a lot of us to understand. we serve a timeless God, but we live a timed life. i think it's probably natural that a lot of us have a sense of urgency when it comes to our dreams, our wants, our desires, and our ultimate goals and path in life. we don't know if we'll live to see tomorrow, so there's a certain drive to accomplish as much as possible today, right now. and sometimes that just doesn't line up with God's plan. weird.
all of that as a foreword to my point - you can't stop living until you stop living. but in living, we need to consciously consider owning and demonstrating virtues. love. charity. kindness. care. compassion. forgiveness. all of these things. we need to consider our actions and what they can actually mean to ourselves and others. we need to live to our greater potential while we still have a chance. we need to spread as much love as possible in a dying world. we're losing people everyday, and while this is common knowledge, 2009 publicized the fact time after time. these disasters that are taking place, the deaths that are occurring, the changes that are being made in our society... we need to consider these things, discover a greater purpose, and live to achieve that purpose. let's be a greater part, a more positive impacting part, a more effectively influential part in each others' lives and the lives of those who surround us. when it comes to our lives... this is the part that we can at least control. what things work out, when, and how they work out is another story. but knowing we want favorable things to work out in good timing and in beneficial ways, let's live in a way that would make these things the results of our actions. and if everything still goes wrong... at least we did our part in trying to see to it that they went right.
ps. this doesn't come without pain. but then again, neither does life.
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